Qualidade de vida é
o que nos move.
A medicanndo é um consultório médico que nasce com o propósito de transformar a vida das pessoas através da Cannabis Medicinal, seu atendimento empático, amigável e protetor, busca acolher a todos com tratamento personalizado e produtos alinhados a cada estilo de vida, promovendo aquilo que é o mais importante, a felicidade de viver.
Quality of life is what moves us.
medicanndo is a medical office that was born with the purpose of transforming people's lives through Medicinal
Cannabis, its empathetic, friendly and protective service, seeks to welcome everyone with personalized treatment and products aligned with each lifestyle, promoting what is most importantly, the happiness of living.
Quality of life is what moves us.
medicanndo is a medical office that was born with the purpose of transforming people's lives through Medicinal
Cannabis, its empathetic, friendly and protective service, seeks to welcome everyone with personalized treatment and products aligned with each lifestyle, promoting what is most importantly, the happiness of living.

Proximidade gera confiança,
confiança gera resultado.
Nós entendemos que a cannabis medicinal ainda é um tema controverso e que muitas pessoas têm preocupações em relação ao seu uso. Buscando estar afrente dos problemas a marca tem a necessidade de desmitificar o rotulo social e suas desconfianças, é preciso ter um posicionamento claro, empático e de fácil entendimento para atingir públicos que precisam de tratamentos.
Por isso, a Medicanndo está comprometida em fornecer informações precisas e confiáveis sobre a cannabis medicinal, bem como em garantir a privacidade e a segurança de todos os pacientes.
Proximity generates trust, trust generates results.
We understand that medical cannabis is still a controversial topic and that many people have concerns about its use. Seeking to be ahead of the problems, the brand needs to demystify the social label and its suspicions, it is necessary to have a clear, empathetic and easy-to-understand position to reach audiences that need treatments.
Proximity generates trust, trust generates results.
We understand that medical cannabis is still a controversial topic and that many people have concerns about its use. Seeking to be ahead of the problems, the brand needs to demystify the social label and its suspicions, it is necessary to have a clear, empathetic and easy-to-understand position to reach audiences that need treatments.
Therefore, Medicanndo is committed to providing accurate and reliable information about medical cannabis, as well as ensuring the privacy and safety of all patients.

Para dar vida ao conceito de uma marca que acredita que você pode ser sua melhor versão.
Desenvolvemos o Universo Visual e Verbal evidenciando o posicionamento e potencializando elementos proprietários da marca.
O símbolo é uma construção de fácil associação, a folha da cannabis e a gota de CBD, referenciando a matéria prima e sua solução, as formas de construção da folha foram desenhadas como raios emergindo de um centro, trazendo essa referência de algo precioso e iluminado em um olhar gestáltico.
To give life to the concept of a brand that believes you can be your best version.
We developed the Visual and Verbal Universe, highlighting the positioning and leveraging proprietary elements of the brand.
To give life to the concept of a brand that believes you can be your best version.
We developed the Visual and Verbal Universe, highlighting the positioning and leveraging proprietary elements of the brand.
The symbol is an easily associated construction, the cannabis leaf and the CBD drop, referencing the raw material and its solution, the construction forms of the leaf were designed as rays emerging from a center, bringing this reference of something precious and enlightened in a gestalt gaze.

A tipografia é sem serifa, humanista com aspectos geométricos que dão vida a um design mais contemporâneo, trabalhando junto a uma hierarquia tipográfica para ter um melhor conforto visual, ampliando a clareza e objetividade da comunicação.
As cores foram inspiradas nos medicamentos de CBD, nas relações do ecossistema e no afeto entre as pessoas.
The typography is sans serif, humanist with geometric aspects that give life to a more contemporary design, working together with a typographic hierarchy to have a better visual comfort, increasing the clarity and objectivity of communication.
The typography is sans serif, humanist with geometric aspects that give life to a more contemporary design, working together with a typographic hierarchy to have a better visual comfort, increasing the clarity and objectivity of communication.
The colors were inspired by CBD medicines, ecosystem relationships and the affection between people.

Nas fotografias procuramos retratar momentos reais e naturais, momentos cotidianos, buscando a felicidade de viver, nas interações com as pessoas e a sociedade, pequenos momentos, praticas esportivas e contemplação da vida.
In the photographs, we try to portray real and natural moments, everyday moments, looking for the happiness of living, in interactions with people and society, small moments, sports practices and contemplation of life.
In the photographs, we try to portray real and natural moments, everyday moments, looking for the happiness of living, in interactions with people and society, small moments, sports practices and contemplation of life.